Our Philosophy
- The moment of real learning is a moment of deep pleasure.
- Learning is something people do for themselves and for their own purposes, not a process someone else does to them, or gives to them.
- Real learning that is permanent, useful and leads to more learning, must come from the desires, concerns and interests of the learners.
- The effectiveness of the learning process diminishes when joy is absent.
- The best time to impart a given piece of information is when the learner’s own curiosity and interest demand it.
- To be meaningful and permanent, learning must involve an interaction between the learner and the environment. Just as in learning to swim or ride a bike, only so much can be learned out of a book or by watching a video.
- The effectiveness of the learning experience is related to the frequency, variety and intensity of the interaction between the learner and the learning environment.
- The most effective force for aiding the learning process is positive reinforcement (or success).
- The capacity of the brain for learning and creativity may be said to be infinite.
- People have normal inherent desires to explore, to satisfy curiosity, to investigate, to seek novelty and excitement. These should not be stifled but should be greatly encouraged.
- True learning involves change and changes the learner.
- Learning should be a lifetime endeavor.
- True learning should be based on freedom of the learner to decide what, how much, when and how he/she wishes to make use of the resources available.
- There are countless paths to learning and each learner should be free to find, make, choose or invent his/her own path.
- It is unhealthy, unwise and non-productive to make a distinction between learning and work.
- We must have faith in the learner’s natural ability and desire to grow and learn, otherwise we cannot really help but may actually harm the learner. Any learning facility must hold as sacred the unique potential of each individual.
- The most effective man-made learning environment is one that combines freedom with a carefully prepared arrangement of learning resources which are connected to real experiences.
- Learners should be free to learn at their own level of readiness without being forced to keep up with or wait for a group.
- One piece of learning invariably leads to another piece because all is interconnected. If learners are free to get started and go deeply into their fields of interest, the learning will eventually spread to many other knowledge areas as seeking continues.
- Only people who love humanity, and especially children, are suitable learning guides.
- People who love to learn are the best guides and role models for younger learners.