Bouncing Back & Landing A Better Job

by Brenda Hamilton & Michael Hall

- First edition sold out. Reprint pending. Please check back here soon!

Within the pages of this handy 55-page booklet is the help needed
for anyone who has received a pink slip, so they can spring into action,
bounce back and quickly find and land a great job, OR even invent
a new future entirely.

Reduced to nine simple steps, the process can be followed by one
and all. Filled with advice, inspiration and specific instructions, it imparts
the energy to overcome fear, anger and inertia.

Written with humor, empathy and wisdom, it provides online resources,
book titles, audio recordings and other specific information. By supplying
fresh perspective for facing change and means for self-clarification,
it presents new options to consider and gives strong encouragement
for going forth in bold new directions.

With all of this plus twenty-seven illustrations and thirty-eight pithy
quotes, this booklet has the power to change your life!